Every year for the past 15 years, Battery Park City Parks has hosted a Valentine Workshop. It’s a popular draw, featuring fancy paper, glitter, doilies, dried rosebuds, a fair amount of imagination and, of course, lots of love. This year, according to Doug Van Horn of Battery Park City Parks, more than one hundred people attended-families and...
City Council member Margaret Chin is joining with a coalition of colleagues to fight the rampant abuse of parking placards — municipal credentials that allow a vehicle to occupy a curbside space that would otherwise be illegal. Along with City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and three other members of the City legislature, she is co-sponsoring...
Tonight (Wednesday, February 13), the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) will host its first Open Community Meeting of 2019. The meeting, which begins at 6:00 pm, will be held at Six River Terrace (opposite the Irish Hunger Memorial and next to Le Pain Quotidien restaurant). Admission is free, and no R.S.V.P. is necessary. One topic...
February 12 6PM Youth & Education Committee Community Board 1-Conference Room 1 Centre Street, Rm 2202A-North CHECK CB1’s WEBSITE FOR WEATHER RELATED NOTICES AGENDA 1) Request for additional crossing guards or traffic agents at Chambers Street for PS289 – Report 2) Eye to Eye Mentorship Program – Presentation by David Badillo, Associate Director of Partnerships and Growth 3) Request...
Lower Manhattan’s gravitational tug on new residents, tourists, and corporations continues unabated, according to a new report from the Downtown Alliance: “Lower Manhattan Real Estate Year in Review: 2018.” Among its findings is that the equivalent of one out of every 25 Americans visited Lower Manhattan in in the year that just ended, with the...