You’re never too young to learn that the ground is what sustains us all, and over the past decade and a half, groups of two-to-five year olds from the Battery Park City Day Nursery have been planting, watering and caring for flowers and herbs at the Liberty Community Garden. Commenting of this year’s crop, administrative...
Fred Gutzeit’s work can be best described as being in line. He shapes his paintings as an elegant expression of movement around the picture plane. The colorful paintings are based on the initials of friends and colleagues, which transcend into a lively story within every frame. In his own words, Gutzeit describes his work as...
455 – Emperor Petronius Maximus is stoned to death by an angry mob while fleeing Rome. 1578 – King Henry III lays the first stone of the Pont Neuf (New Bridge), the oldest bridge of Paris, France. 1669 – Citing poor eyesight, Samuel Pepys records the last event in his diary. 1790 – The United...
Henry Ford and his son Edsel drive the 15 millionth Model T off the assembly line, the last Model T ever created, in 1927.
Community Board 1 (CB1) is pushing back hard against a developer’s plan to erect a large apartment building in the midst of the Tribeca East Historic District. At 312-322 Canal Street (between Church Street and Broadway, Trans World Equities wants to construct a nine story residential tower designed by architect Paul A. Castrucci. Although the...
A rendering of the proposal by developer Trans World Equities to build a nine-story apartment building on Canal Street, between Church Street and Broadway.
AD 70 – Siege of Jerusalem: Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall. The Romans build a circumvallation, cutting down all trees within fifteen kilometers. 1381 – Beginning of the Peasants’ Revolt in England. 1431 – Hundred Years’ War: In Rouen, France, the 19-year-old...
Jean Froissart's Chronicles depicts King Richard II
meeting the rebels from the Peasants' Revolt in 1381.
I first glimpsed the image above as the cover design for astrophysicists Leon Golub and Jay Pasachoff’s latest book, The Sun, to be released around the time of the summer solstice. Lingering with the photograph, its burning radiance and swirling movement seems to convey the formative, essential light at the beginning of our planet’s history....
This image of solar active regions in the corona is a composite of 23 separate images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (designed by a team led by Leon Golub at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. The images span the period of January 11, 2015 to January 21, 2016. They were taken through a filter at the wavelength of 171 angstroms, which shows gas at about 1.5 million degrees Fahrenheit. The composite reveals the zones of latitude on the Sun where active regions are most common during the active part of the solar cycle.
Image credit - NASA/SDO/AIA