On Jun 14, 2016, we received this email:
Just before 8pm on Monday June 13th, a group of 8 year-old boys was playing nicely in Rockefeller Park when 20 screaming teenagers ran onto the field.
The majority of the teens claimed spots within the Pavilion while three teens took their “posts” in the middle of the park. With a referee/coach/teenage friend standing near, a slap fighting match between two teenage boys had begun. Much footwork and then slaps were thrown until one was slapped in the face. Then, a break was required to regain composure. One of the boys tried to walk away but the referee/coach/teen yelled he must stay. The other boy, who had been slapped in the face, received encouragement and advice from the coach. Then it started again.
The teenage crowd on the pavillion cheered while the BPC Ambassador in the bright yellow vest stood alongside the river fence doing nothing (images attached).
It wasn’t until after I alerted the BPC Ambassador that the fighting had been happening (10 minutes after it started), that he walked over to check on the situation.
Since when is it ok to have fighting matches in Rockefeller Park; a park that the community has always viewed as a safe park for young families?
Jennifer Stahmer