What: Workshop- This meeting will focus on the waterfront from Montgomery Street to the Brooklyn Bridge
When: Wednesday October 5, 2016
6:30-8:30 PM doors open at 6PM
Where: YMCA/ Two Bridges Community Center 286 South Street
Why: New York City is continuing to advance waterfront improvements to protect against coastal flooding and we need your help!
Share your ideas for the waterfront
Let us know your top priorities and concerns
Receive updates about progress and opportunities to get involved

What: Workshop- This meeting will focus on the waterfront from the Brooklyn Bridge to the north end of Battery Park City.
When: Thursday October 6, 2016
6-8 PM doors open at 5:30PM
Where: Community Center at 6 River Terrace
Across from the Irish Hunger Memorial, Battery Park City
Why: New York City is continuing to advance waterfront improvements to protect against coastal flooding and we need your help!
Share your ideas for the waterfront
Let us know your top priorities and concerns
Receive updates about progress and opportunities to get involved
Who: Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency, Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency, NYCEDC
More information: For a summary of the July 27 workshop and to learn more about the Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency (LMCR) Project: www.nyc.gov/lmcr